Sunday, 8 July 2012

Varna, and the Black Sea

I left Plovdiv early Sunday morning (my train was at 7:17, so when I say early, I mean that no one was awake at the hostel...).

I was very lucky to find that Varna's train station is by the sea, which means that I was on the beach after a short walk. Actually, there was a long pier, so I kind of avoided the sand since I had my hiking shoes and didn't want to go barefoot.

I found a place to sit in the shade facing the sea, and I watched, read and slept the afternoon away. My only purpose in coming to Varna was to watch the sea -as always, it lifts my soul, put a silly grin on my face, and makes me feel at peace with my world.

As the afternoon faded away to early evening, I walked the pier for its entire length -and it is a long one. It is a thing of concrete, sometimes washed away, revealing its underlying metal structure. It is bordered by concrete thingy -2m-tall, they have four spikes, so that they always lay on three spikes with the fourth standing up, and they are used to stop boats from approaching a place. At one place, they were piled haphazardly, reaching to to top of the pier, and it looked as if they were taking the place by storm, piling one on top of the other. Farther, they were lined up, only their top emerging, and the sea swelled on them symmetrically, coming and going in an elegant movement. The waves would break on others, with a high spray.

Hum. Have I enough said that I love the sea?

So. I have seen the Black Sea.


  1. Finalement, la Mer Noire c'était beau? Et tu avais beau temps? Pas trop de touristes?

  2. La Mer Noire, c'etait beau, oui... la plage etait bondee, mais comme je n'etais pas trop dessus, ca allait!
